More pop tab crochet

I have developed a different way of crocheting the pull tabs together… If you’re interested! Rather than inserting then into a crochet row… I am crocheting them together creating a fabulous mesh…no need for rows of sc anywhere!

9 Replies to “More pop tab crochet”

  1. Do you have a pattern (tutorial) for your pop tab purse? I like that very much,
    You are very good. Can you give me the information please.
    Sorry for my english because I’m french women. Thank you

    1. Hi Colette, thank you for looking at my blog. I will write a pattern for the bag over the next few weeks. I gave it to my sister so I will ask her to hand it back for a short while so I can make up the pattern. Keep checking my site on the patterns page. Kindly, Bindy

    1. Hi Deborah, I am currently working on a Pop-Tab Messenger Bag so will post photos and details along the way. Thanks for visiting. Please subscribe to keep up with new posts. Bindy

  2. Hello Bindy, could you tell me the steps on how you put together the tabs to create the mesh that you came up with above? I still haven’t figured out the “right” way to put my pulltabs together to create the same look… I looked on your patterns page but didn’t see it there either. And the pics you showed in a previous post were your first attempt, not this evolved one 🙂 Thank you! Malinda, from Holland. You are truly global.

    1. Hi Malinda,
      This is incredible… all the way from Holland. Thank you for looking at my blog. I have been working on a messenger bag in pop-tab crochet and will post some pictures of how I am putting it together. Please keep watching. I have been busy with my online store but will get onto it, I promise. Thank you again,

      1. Hey Bindy,

        You’re a star! Thanks so much for replying so quickly and getting the info up on your blog. I can see what you have done now. I have used this same technique for a bag I made earlier, but instead of doing one SC per hole, I did two. Plus I used very colorful yarn so the effect of “bling” was lost a bit, unlike yours! My bag looks more yarn than poptab. But I see you do it with just one stitch per hole, so I am going to give that a go, plus use silver colored thread.

        Thanks again for willing to share your info! I have enclosed some pictures of bags I have made recently, in case you want to get some more crochet inspiration. I too get sucked into other creative directions (mosaic at the moment), I drive my husband crazy because I keep pulling out craft stuff for one project,then midway get into another project of a completely different discipline, and so all THOSE tools will come out!

        And isn’t it wonderful that we can connect with like minds all over the world? All the way from Holland indeed! 🙂



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